How to order
Ordering from Rebel Printerz is simple. We have set up our website to make the process as simple as possible. No need to email back and forth for weeks getting your designs completed and despatched. Simply follow the guidance and the steps and your item will be sent to you or your customer with no hassle.
1. Add your blank clothing item to your basket
2. Click the customise option
3. Upload your design image - check the artwork guide for requirements
4. You can also upload your original image directly to ensure the best image quality
5. Go to checkout
6. Add delivery details - yours or your customers
7. Complete checkout
8. Sit back and have a cuppa, while we do the work for you!!
We can also integrate directly with your ecommerce website or platform and process orders directly for you. Giving you a completely hands off service, so you can focus on your brand.
We can integrate with the following ecommerce websites -